What is Rooh Afza?

Rooh Afza Photo courtesy of CBC

Rooh Afza Photo courtesy of CBC

One of the most popular drinks in the Indian subcontinent is Rooh Afza. The translation of the name is "to nourish the soul" and the ingredients in the syrup seem to do just that! It was originally developed in India in 1906. Rooh Afza is typically used as a drink syrup or in traditional indian desserts and is very popular in the eastern part of the world.  The taste of the syrup is very unique and is said to have a cooling effect on the body which is why it is such a popular summer drink.   

Rooh afza consists of many different ingredients, including:

  • Herbs: There are many herbs in Rooh Afza which contributes to it's very unique taste. The main herbs are chicory, coriander, European White Lily and the lotus flower.
  • Vegetables: Rooh Afza is not only tasty, but also has many health benefits, because there are many vegetables used in its creation. This includes mint, carrots and spinach.
  • Fruits: There are many fruits used in Rooh Afza, such as watermelon, apple, strawberry, pineapple, berries, grapes, and cherries.
  • Flowers: In order to create its fragrant aroma, there are also flowers that are used in the syrup, which include lemon, rose, orange and keora.

I absolutely love the flavour of Rooh Afza and find myself experimenting with it in my kitchen when developing recipes.  When I tried whipping the syrup directly into whipping cream, I completely fell in love with the outcome. Rooh Afza cream is what I used in my Mille feuille for French Patisserie semi finals on The Great Canadian Baking Show. 

Rooh Afza Cream Mille Feuille (Photo courtesy of The Great Canadian Baking Show)

Rooh Afza Cream Mille Feuille (Photo courtesy of The Great Canadian Baking Show)

I find a little goes a long way, you typically would only use a couple teaspoons to make a drink or to be added to desserts. 

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